Monday, August 27, 2018

"Ice Cream Pie"

     My original plan was to make oreo truffles, I have never made them before and figured this class served as a good motivator to finally make them! However, I had to be flexible when the kitchen sink became clogged out of no where, and I couldn't use the sink! I didn't want to make any dirty dishes, so I decided to make an ice cream pie! I was able to use a tin pie dish to bake the oreo crust in, and used a paper bowl to melt the butter and crush the oreos in order to make the home made crust! I was very disappointed when the crust of the pie did not exactly come out right, and my dad informed me that they actually sell oreo pie crusts! I went back to the store and purchased an oreo pie crust, and I was back in business! I let the ice cream sit on the counter to soften a bit, and then scooped it into the pie crust (with a plastic spoon so I didn't make any dirty dishes), I had some oreos left over from my failed pie crust, so I mixed those into the ice cream as well, because why not! The last step was to smooth out the ice cream, and I added some rainbow sprinkles on top!
     My intentions for this project were certainly challenged on multiple levels! I had an idea to make one thing, and had to be flexible and make an entirely different item. Being flexible isn't the easiest thing for me, so I was a bit disappointed when I had to change my plans to make oreo truffles! I was surprised that I was quickly able to decide on another item to make that included oreos, my dad's favorite! Again, I was challenged when the oreo crust didn't come out as expected, but again was able to agree to a solution with ease, something that is usually difficult to me! This project definitely emphasized the point that things do not always go as planned, and being flexible is so important. This seems to be a theme across creative arts, even if you have a plan, sometimes you have to adapt to a different set of circumstances, but in the end the project still comes out great, delicious in this case!

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