Wednesday, August 22, 2018

"Pure Fun"

     There really isn't much to this project! I was baby-sitting my cousin and we were coloring, one of her favorite activities of course! Whenever we are together, we always color or paint. As I was sitting there making my picture, I decided I should stop making a "picture" and just make something random! There were some paint blotters in front of me, so I picked them up and just started pushing them onto my paper. My cousin was confused, and asked me what I was making... I responded by telling her that I was just making "something", and we could decide what it was when I finished! My cousin decided to follow my lead, and I was quite happy to see that! We both continued to just create "something", together. When we both decided we were finished, my cousin was struggling to decide what it was that she made. It took a bit, but I explained to her that we made art, and it was okay that it wasn't an actual figure of planned picture. It was such a special moment for me, I still haven't really been able to figure out why, but the entire interaction really touched me. Here is my "something"... I wonder what you see?

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