Saturday, August 18, 2018

"Who are you"

     I took this picture of my pup yesterday. I used my iPhone X to take the photo, I tried many different settings within my camera, and struggled to find the one that best showed all the aspects I was trying to capture! I grew an appreciate for photographers in this moment, it's difficult to try and get your subject (my puppy in this case) to look "just right" and have everything else line up as well!
 My puppy was laying in the kitchen staring at this little bug, watching him crawl around. He started inching closer to the bug as it was getting further away, and tilting his head back and forth, as if saying "what are you?" "who are you?" "what are you doing?". I was surprised that my puppy wasn't lunging forward and eating this bug, I really got the impression he was trying to figure out what this thing was!
 In connecting this to myself, I reflected on the fact that sometimes, we just need to sit and observe a situation before making a hasty decision on how to handle it, which i do all too often. I was amazed at my puppy's self control in this moment to lay there and figure out what to do with this thing, when people have such a hard time with this concept.

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